
A vision for the future of Community Church 

What a joy to ask the Father this critical question: How can we best pour out our lives for You in this place and at this time? What a great question for any follower of Christ to ask: “Father, how can we, as a local church, be intentional and responsive to Your leadership?

We must set our sights on the person of Jesus Christ, and therefore, the mission He has given to us. Our marching orders as a church for this season is summed up with this one word: ELEVATE – to expand the message and reach of the Gospel and to make disciples. To move our gaze upward as we position our relationship with Christ at the forefront of our everyday lives. 

Community Church – we are continuing an amazing season where we’ve seen God do incredible work in and through this body of believers. Join us in this season of ELEVATING Jesus Christ and His Gospel in Central Michigan and beyond.

ELEVATE will take us through the end of 2024, but has set the tone for what the future looks like for Community Church; ensuring we’ll remain on mission for years to come. 

Download Your Elevate Guidebook Here