Leading kids into a focused life with Jesus.

Nursery through preteens -  We’re a church for your family! We’ll welcome you with bright faces and spaces, a warm embrace, and an atmosphere that feels like home.

Leading kids into a focused life with Jesus Christ by building a foundation of faith on Biblical truth.

We believe that two influences combined have greater impact than either influence could alone: families & the local church. Our goal to partner with parents to confidently have faith-based conversations in their own homes, while equipping kids with the tools and knowledge they need to grow in their own walk with Jesus Christ.

We partner with families through every phase of childhood and provide resources and opportunities that encourage faith conversations at home with this central goal: Leading kids into a focused life with Jesus Christ by building a foundation of faith on Biblical truth.


We will partner with you to help your kids:

  • See God for who He is
  • See themselves the way God does
  • Love others the way He does

We believe in large group experiences that will captivate your child’s attention and teach them more about God and His story. We also believe in small group environments where your kids can connect with the same leader and the same kids weekly and build friendships they can trust.

Age Groups


Birth to 2 years


3 year old’s who are potty trained.

4's & 5's

Preschool aged kids


Each child will check into their class or age group and participate in small group, large group, and worship at their level of understanding and development.



Community Kids at the Mount Pleasant Campus is thrilled to announce our Sidekicks Ministry! Sidekicks is a Special Needs ministry that is geared specifically towards helping K-6th grade children who might need a little help learning about Jesus in a way best suited for them.

A one-on-one volunteer (Sidekick) will be matched with a child (Superhero) to help them in a regular Community Kids classroom when it is determined that this would be the best scenario for the child.

We have volunteers who are trained to work with children with different types of special needs. They will work individually with families that come to the Mount Pleasant Campus of Community Church who have requested that their child be a part of our Special Needs ministry at either of the services.

Learn more about serving with or utilizing this ministry by emailing Community Kids Director, Amy Durfee at amy.durfee@communitymi.org

Become a CK Volunteer!

Community Kids volunteers are the amazing people that spend each Sunday morning taking the truths of God and connecting that truth to our children.

I want to serve
Amy Durfee
Amy Durfee

Community Kids Director

Kayla Schiller
Kayla Schiller

Community Kids Coordinator - Alma

Sarah Zientek
Sarah Zientek

Community Kids Coordinator - Mount Pleasant